+420 725 067 422 (SMS & WhatsApp or Telegram)

Rejuvenating & therapeutical 

body & mind treatments 

Psychophysical integration that helps release pain, spasm, exhaustion, anxiety and moodiness.

Touch of a bliss a.k.a.

Working with fascia and parasympathetic nerve system to enhance the feeling of ligthness, free movement and spaciousness to experience a therapeutical physical and mind relaxation.  

Water dreaming

Another complex therapy which by its water surrounding brings the sensation of less gravity and peacefulness where one has tendencies to let the everyday life disappear and fully experience inner tranquility and lightness as you're floating in 33 °C liquid universe.

What is Trager's approach

Why such fuss and for who. 

The Trager approach is a gentle and effective therapeutic method that combines conscious movement and touch to achieve deep relaxation and release tension in the body. It was developed by American physician Milton Trager, who believed that the body has a natural ability to heal itself when physical and psychological blockages are released.

During Trager therapy, the therapist uses rhythmic, flowing movements to relax muscles and joints. These movements are performed with ease and gentleness, helping the client to restore natural mobility while calming the mind. Body awareness is a key element, allowing clients to better understand how their body feels and moves.

The Trager's approach is suitable for people of all ages and is often used to relieve chronic pain, reduce stress and improve overall well-being. This method is also popular among athletes to improve performance and recovery.

Because of its gentleness and effectiveness, the Trager's approach has become a popular choice for those looking for a natural way to improve their physical and mental health, as well as a pathway to greater peace and joy in everyday life. 


Dialogue between mind and body

Movement which makes you happy.

Every 2nd and 4th Thursday in the month from 6.30pm to 8.00pm, Studio Dayal, Vyšehradská 43. Starting on 13th February. Price 250czk (single entry, 5 entries 220czk, 10 entries  200czk)  

Mentastics®  is an active part of Trager Approach® sessionThe client works with his body and so, Mentastics is possible to do in groups. 

Under patronage of Asociace Trager CZ I organise regular meetings of Mentastics for a general public  focused on experiencing and feeling the "here and now" through fluid, effortless spontaneous movement towards health, mental stability and overall well-being. Under the guidance of the instructor you follow the implosions of your body, feeling and playing with weight, inertia, speed, rhythm, pauses. Through the sensations of the body you enter the Hook-up, which is a meditative state of silence, calm, connection, flow. You create a space within yourself that grounds you, tunes you, centers you. It is a thought in a movement that you enjoy, rejuvenate from and that shifts your attention to that part of your body where harmony and balance is created. 

To confirm attendance and make a payment. Please contact me at: deni@trager.cz, 725 067 422. 


Cosmopolitan 02/25

          Feedback for an article             “Where to get into Zen state”

“Práce s myslí i tělem zároveň, meditace skrze dotek. Moje tělo se po dotecích Denisy začalo okamžitě regenerovat, uvolňovaly se zbytečné strachy a bloky. Po žádné jiné masáži jsem se necítila tak skvěle.”

Šimon Bilina

 Actor, musician, beautiful human being                          .

“Po ošetření jsem měl pocit, že létám. Mohl jsem se ze široka nadechnout. Vnímal jsem v sobě velký prostor. Přišlo uvědomění, uvolnění, inspirace a radost”

Kateřina Koa Adámková

Galerist, owner of an art café, creative, inspiring & a visionary woman

“ Deni mi svým dotekem zahojila tělo, opečovala duši, srdce a mysl. Rozproudila mi energii a život v žilách. Přicházeli mi vhledy, odpovědi na otázky a hluboké niterné zklidnění.” 


Podcast of two dental hygienists Ivka & Adelka

“Povídaly jsme si o blaženosti, o kouzlu doteku, jak si dělat život hezčí díky Trager principům a že jde uvolnit krk třeba jen prožitou představou, kdy místo hlavy máš héliový balonek.”


I approach each client individually, customising the experience to its needs. Body work and therapies have been a long time passion, and I look forward to sharing it with you.   

"HEALTH IS EVERYTHING". Do you agree? And have you noticed how the physical and mental well being is connected? 

After more than 20 years of searching and studying whatever and wherever ie couching program in USA, NLP and Pilates in UK, thai massages in Thailand, Mentastics in Italy. In Czechia EFT and more coaching trainings, massage schools, self development seminars, workshops for dance, body movement and mind work. Yoga, Shiatsu, TCM, classic deep tissue, feet massage, lifting treatments and water therapies WATSU & WATA.

In 2021 I finally found what I was looking for. In The Trager's approach I discovered the answers to questions what millions of people are asking everyday. How to keep energy? How to tune into positive vibes? How to release tension effortlessly? How to maintain mental and physical health in stressful situations?

Since 2023 I’ve been giving treatments and spreading its peaceful message as a president of Asociace Trager CZ.  www.trager.cz

          Price list

Trager approach                

1.session                                  120min  2,200czk
Any other                                  90min   1,800czk           
Aquahealing                            60min   1,750czk

Coaching/Consultation  60min   1,000czk
Mentastics                               90min      250czk
5+1 deal      
Trager approach.                  90min   9,000czk

Gift voucher
Trager Approach.                  90min   1,600czk       
Aquahealing                             60min   1,500czk

Bank account nb. 35-689600267/0100
Deni Francova,  +420 725 067 422, deni@trager.cz



Terapie Shiatsu, Panská 1, Praha 1
Dayal Studio, Vyšehradská 43, Praha 2